Cold Calling Tips

Yes cold calls are tough sledding. Many say that it is not a very effective use of your time. This is all very true. But there comes a time – when a cold call is the only way to get to a prospect.

Here are a few tips to help you.

When you recognize the value of your work it is easier for you to make cold calls. You are offering a valuable service by providing information that can improve your prospect’s business – don’t be afraid – you are only wasting their time if you are trying to sell them something they don’t really need.

Expect success and your sales will increase.

Get to the point and if you get the appointment (which is your primary goal) – set the parameters for the meeting and get off the phone – DO NOT SELL on the phone – get in front of the prospect (this is assuming of course that you are not in Tele-Sales).

Be Professional but persistent. It’s one of the keys to successful selling.

It is not unusual that you may have to make from five to seven calls before you reach your prospect. If it’s of special interest to you, make even more.

Vary the time of your calls. If you can’t get through during regular hours, make the calls before or after hours and at lunchtime. When you call before hours you are likely to reach the decision-make directly, before the receptionist arrives to answer the phone, eliminating a screen.

Practice eliminating doubt from your voice. If you sound like you’re asking a question instead of making a statement, you’ve lost your prospect.

Most importantly be confident and prepare in your mind or on paper what you will say.

Rehearse with a colleague or do a dry run with the person next you.

With confidence I guarantee there will be clients who will be glad you called!

Oh yes, and you might make a few sales – which is why you need to practice this critical sales skill.

About the author:
Alan has over twenty-five years of dynamic leadership experience in all key aspects of business management including sales, marketing, public relations, operations, human resources and information technology. Alan is the former president of IKON Quebec and a NASDAQ listed IT security firm. As an internationally renowned business executive, his experience includes working with companies that range from private start-ups to Fortune 50 public companies. He has developed sales teams and strategie ...
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