Developing A Website
As a PR and digital marketing firm we often get calls and emails from friends and family after they have done a DIY attempt at a web site.
But as with every question asked of us, we have more questions. It starts with the goals of the site. Is it just to have an online business card that has a few more details where you can send prospects (not a good idea).
Or do they see it as a channel to help generate leads, with Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media and Banner or Google ads as part of the digital strategy (better).
Sometimes folks think, build it and they will come… Not today… Build it properly and then market the crap out of it is more the strategy.
But the latter requires investment of time and money.
Finally a good site should reflect a personality, a brand, a differentiator. A blog, use of video, and good quality photos (all properly optimized for search) should be part of the plan.