National Minority Franchising Initiative Names FastSigns To Top 25 Franchises For Hispanics

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quotation.jpg The National Minority Franchising Initiative (NMFI) has compiled its annual list of the Top 25 Franchises for Hispanics. Carrollton-based FastSigns International Inc., franchisor of FastSigns sign and graphics centers, was selected by the NMFI to the #12 spot on the list. The results were published in the April issue of PODER (”ability” or “power” in Spanish) Magazine, the successor to Hispanic Enterprise.FastSigns Franchise

The NMFI develops the list based on a rigorous analysis of several factors, including historical performance, brand identification, franchisee satisfaction, training, on-going support and financial stability. Another important determinant is the percentage of existing franchises that are Hispanic-owned, as well as the number of Hispanics in the franchisor’s top levels of management.

“Based on the results of this year’s survey, we are extremely pleased to notice both the increase in the number of Hispanic-owned franchisees, as well as the increased Hispanic representation among the top management. There is no question that the franchising community is increasingly aware of the economic power and underlying talents within the Latino community. Over time, Latinos will realize their full potential and the playing field will indeed be level. Hopefully, that day is not far off,” notes NMFI co-founder Rob Bond.

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