Another SEO Myth

SEO MYTH # 2: Search engines are not as valuable as other media.

SEO TRUTH # 2: Search engines are the NUMBER ONE way people find what they are looking for on the internet.

Target Marketing Magazine.
(Source: IMT Strategies –

“Top Ways Websites are Discovered – It’s Not What You Think!”

Banner ads 1%
Targeted email 1.2%
TV spots 1.4%
“By accident” 2.1%
Magazine ads 4.4%
Word-of-mouth 20%
Random Surfing 20%
Search Engines 46%

An article on the front page of USA Today, last month talked about why companies are willing to pay for SEO and SEO Friendliness:

“Companies pay because about 80% of Internet searches are performed with Google technology, says an online newsletter. That’s 200 million searches a day, whether on Google or on affiliates such as America Online, Yahoo and”
(Source: For Google, many retailers eagerly jump through hoops ; Jefferson Graham. USA TODAY. Feb 5, 2004. pg. A.01 )

Now, ask yourself the following:

1. What are my costs for direct mail, banner ads, print ads, booths at trade shows, etc? Compare that to your SEO costs.

2. Would it be worth $10-20 per day to my business to have every aspect of SEO taken care of by professionals who guarantee results? Can I really afford NOT to have this exposure in the engines that my competitors do?

About the author:
Jennifer Horowitz is the Director of Marketing for EcomBuffet dot com. EcomBuffet has been in business for over 10 years helping small to medium sized businesses get top rankings and improve their conversion rates. Contact EcomBuffet for help with your SEO and marketing questions and concerns.
My website is at:


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