GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Franchise Ratings And Franchise Reviews

Have you ever come across franchise reviews before? If you have then you may be interested in what they have to offer you. Well, if you are looking to invest in an established business to expand your entrepreneurial portfolio then a franchise will be a perfect choice or you. There are hundreds of franchises available […]

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How To Buy A Car Rental Business For Sale

So you fly somewhere exotic on holiday and you stop at the car rental booth the airport and choose from a whole host of cars that can get you around for the duration of your holiday. You travel on business, fly to the other side of the country and do exactly the same. Notice a […]

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Walt Disney: The Biography And Walt Disney Company History

Walt Disney is a world famous name. It is well known as a result of animated cartoons and films that have been released over a period in excess of a hundred years. However, it is easy to forget that the name of Walt Disney was actually the name of a creative and innovative entrepreneur. Walt […]

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Robert L Johnson: BET Entrepreneur And Billionaire

Robert L Johnson is one of the most recognisable African American faces in the United States today. As an entrepreneur and a billionaire, Robert Johnson has worked hard to get to where he is today. As the creator and founder of Black Entertainment Television, Johnson has made a massive impact on the visibility of African […]

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U-Turn Vending Business

U-Turn Vending is currently offering an exciting business opportunity for individuals seeking to own their own business but who would like to have the backing of a popular brand. With training and support available and an option for third party financing assistance, you have all the tools you need to be successful. No matter where […]

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Coffee Beanery Franchises – Coffee Franchises

Coffee Beanery, a well-established and highly profitable business, is accepting applications from driven, enthusiastic individuals who would like to be a part of the Coffee Beanery family. A Coffee Beanery franchise opportunity comes complete with training and support, as well as third party financing. This is your one and only chance to join a very […]

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BP ampm Franchise Business

BP ampm is currently looking for individuals with a strong desire to run their own business under a major brand. This franchise opportunity offers complete training and support as well as financial assistance. Currently, applications are accepted from all US states with the exception of Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and Philadelphia. If you […]

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Wingstop Franchise – Buffalo Wings Franchise

Wingstop has recently announced that there are franchise opportunities available for individuals living within the United States, which provide full training and support. There is also third party financing available. A brief overview of this opportunity follows and then you may request additional details for more specific information. About Wingstop Wingstop was established in 1994 […]

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Vendstar Vending Route Opportunity

Vendstar Vending Route has recently opened up an opportunity within the company for individuals with the desire to be their own boss. With excellent training and support available and a quick start guaranteed, this is an opportunity worth considering. Although it is not open to those living in Alaska, Connecticut, Maryland, Kentucky, and Hawaii, applications […]

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Constructive Tips on How to Cope with Retrenchment

Retrenchment is no longer a dirty word, and in today’s climate a vast majority of the population have been affected by retrenchment at some stage of their working life whether directly or indirectly. The familiar ‘one job for life’ mantra seems to be a fleeting memory of the days of old while job uncertainty and […]

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Choosing the Right Recruiter

At this critical time in the economy, it is important to reduce costs and avoid mistakes – especially when it comes to hiring new employees. Finding the right recruiter to help you sort your way through job applications is a cost effective and logical solution for all businesses. An outsourced recruitment agency will assign a […]

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Recruiting for Personality Fit

Hiring the wrong person for the job can be detrimental to the productivity of the company, and may cause avoidable expenses. The cost of hiring the wrong person is higher than taking the time to find someone with the right personality fit for your business. Think about the time and monetary costs of having to […]

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Staff Retention: Top 10 Tips

The ‘job for life’ is not a term often used now, but employers need to consider the importance of employee retention as it affects turnover, productivity and the business’s long-term success. Here are some tips to help you keep your staff: Recruit the right people It seems a simple thing, but so many companies stumble […]

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Appeal To Virtue

Popularity and Responsibility Just about everyone knows that something is very wrong with the world in which we live. Problems are compounding everywhere. While we may be tempted to look for someone to blame, that effort, at best, will do nothing to alleviate the problems and, more likely, will only contribute anger and frustration to […]

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Rotten Apple Marketing

Everyone seems to hate spam — except Internet marketers. Admit it, we love email marketing because it’s cheap and easy. In fact, it’s so cheap and easy that Internet marketers are happy with a response rate of less than one percent. So, who cares about the ninety-nine percent who don’t respond? Spam is not an […]

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Inside The Box

Thinking “outside the box” or “coloring outside the lines” is a popular idea in the business world today. People and organizations are told to think outside the box or color outside the lines as a way to stimulate creativity when they need to solve problems like streamlining production, establishing a new product, or developing a […]

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Get It Right

Spam was not invented on the Internet The Internet just helped give it a name. It’s been around for a long time. Essentially spam is unwelcome advertising. The problem with the Internet is that you get a lot of it, and it’s VERY LOUD and in-your-face. TV’s not much different. Then there’s junk mail. Very […]

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Faulty Sales Technique

Salespeople are both a blessing and a bane to every industry. You can’t live with them, and you can’t live without them. “How are you tonight, Mr. Smith?” “Fine.” “Glad to hear it! Mr. Smith, my name is Phil, and I’m calling…” Click. Salespeople are always “people” people. People have to love people to do […]

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A contemporary theory of leadership states that there are three basic ways that people become leaders. The first two explain the leadership development for a small number of people, the third explains how most leaders find their way into leadership positions. These theories are: The Trait Theory suggests that some personality traits may lead people […]

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Legend has it that Theodore Roosevelt and one of his cowhands found an unbranded steer on land controlled by Gregor Lang, a neighboring rancher. In accord with the usual custom, they prepared to brand it, but as the cowboy applied the brand, Roosevelt said, “Wait, it should be Lang’s brand.” “That’s all right, boss,” said […]

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