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Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

High-Achievers In Selling Make More Mistakes Than Average Performers … But They Do So Before They Go To Market!

Here is an old saying worth knowing: “There is a profound difference between failing, and being a failure.” This is why the best sales people make the most mistakes – they are constantly creating new ways of communicating with the market, which inevitably means that they always get things wrong…on the way to getting them […]

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Most Sales People Try To Sell A Drawn Out Recipe … Instead Of A Succinct Menu!

In very simple terms, a menu is a promise and a recipe is a process, and although both items have to be sold…the promise must always precede the process. Take a book for example; if the potential customer is not attracted by the ‘title’, then he will not bother to examine the back page ‘details’ […]

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Memo To Managers: You Can Have Your Backside In The Office Now And Then, But Your Mind And Heart Must Always Be In The Market!

In 1975, the city of New York was on the verge of bankruptcy, and due to this precarious position the main bank partner was in danger of going under too. In an effort to correct the situation, the president of the bank left the bank to join a group of financial experts, whose joint task […]

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The Market Sees Sales People As Lurking Wilfully, Or Working Worthily

Imagine that the products you have to offer, along with information on your company, are contained and displayed in a form of smart trolley. You now have two choices about how you approach the market: you can either push the trolley in front of you, or pull it behind you. If you choose the pushing […]

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To Lift Your Sales To New Heights, You Must Learn To Look Down On Customers

I am not advocating the Basil Fawlty approach to business by suggesting that you should look down your nose at customers, so as to get up their noses. Instead, I am recommending the use of a military strategy, which involves seeing a battle zone from an elevated viewpoint, so as to be in a better […]

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Hypothetically, If You Wrote To The Market About Your Service Promise … Which Of These Two Letters Would Represent The Truth?

There are two points we wish to cover in this communication. The first is that if you go to our company’s website we can almost guarantee that you will be impressed with our corporate messages concerning our products, our service…and of course our undying purpose to work with you as partners in producing mutually satisfying […]

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If Your Attitude And Results Are Falling Behind, Learn To Lead With Your Mouth!

The following idea can significantly help individuals in business, at every level, and it can also provide a valuable and unique leadership tool for managers. You may have noticed that people use one of three languages when talking to colleagues and customers: positive, negative and indifferent. Examples of the three ways of talking are as […]

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Key “Starting Points” In Business That Create Sad Or Happy “Endings”

Without realising it, everyone in business, at every level, operates with a range of ‘starting points’…concerning how they think and feel about key issues, such as building relationships and creating sales success. Here is a range of starting points for you to test yourself on… 1. All of your competitors are highly intelligent and hard […]

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To Succeed In Sales, This Is The Challenge: Design Your Job Well, Learn Your Job Well, Sell Your Job Well … And Do Your Job Well!

I can’t imagine that you have ever had a doctor say to you ‘would you like me to check your blood pressure?’…and of course the reason for this is that the doctor knows what his job is and he gets on with it. If you have a job to do and that job is designed […]

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The Crucial Sales Choice Between “I’m Ready When You Are” … and “I’m Ready! Are You?”

The tentative, reactive business attitude of ‘I’m ready when you are’ is one that everyone suffers from, either now and then or virtually all of the time. This weak stance is alive and well in many private accounting practices, where the onus is almost always on clients to ask for ideas and help, and it […]

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In Hard Times, Cutting Back On Costs Does Not Take Talent … But Moving Forward In Sales Does Involve a Special Gift!

As all businesses prepare for a downturn in demand, the corresponding upturn needed in activity and proactive sales action are often difficult to create. Managers and staff are of course capable of lifting their efforts, but people find it difficult to do more work if they are less than confident at ‘creating demand’. A clue […]

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If You Have Happy Customers … You Could Be Heading For Trouble

The concept of a happy customer seems both virtuous and victorious; after all, this is surely the ultimate service goal of most organizations…and also the best way to stave off attacks from competitors. Not everything is what it seems though, especially when you define what is meant by a happy customer… “A customer that is […]

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To Improve Sales We Must Stop Up-Selling & Start Down-Selling

The first time I heard the phrase ‘up-selling’ I was repulsed to say the least. Imagine if doctors ‘tried’ to solve our problems by working upwards from one suggestion to the next, ‘hoping’ that we would end up with the right path to health. And yet this is precisely how hordes of businesses have treated […]

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6 Steps To A Profitable Marketing Plan

New ideas are almost a dime a dozen. There’s an innovation on almost every street corner. What makes a new idea successful is a well thought out, well developed marketing plan that everyone in the organization can understand, believe in and follow. Without a solid marketing plan it is too easy for an organization to […]

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How Much More Connected Can You Afford To Be?

“Well, I’m gonna’ get out of bed every morning… breath in and out all day long. Then, after a while I won’t have to remind myself to get out of bed every morning and breathe in and out.” – Sam Baldwin, Sleepless in Seattle (Tristar – 1993)  Hopping out of bed, checking voicemail, checking our […]

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How Much Does a Kumon Franchise Cost?

Teaching the Masses, One Child at a Time More than 50 years ago, a Japanese math teacher named Toru Kumon came up with the innovative teaching method that bears his name while trying to instruct his son, a second-grade student, who was struggling to learn arithmetic.  As a teacher, he understood that it was important […]

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Do Your Own Business Valuation – Part 3: Quantifying Business Returns

The basic concept of business value is that the future benefits (returns) of owning a company must be adjusted (discounted) for the risks associated with owning the company. The sales or earnings of a company are typically used to represent the benefits (returns). Multiples and rates are used to represent the risks. The basic formula […]

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Buying a Business … 1+1=3

  Buying a business can be a valuable business strategy.  Synergy is an interesting concept but what can it really mean when buying a business.  In my prior business I had made many acquisitions to supplement organic growth.  The analysis of buying these business followed the below simplified numbers.  A brief explanations of the below […]

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How To Use Articles To Promote Your Business

Have you ever longed for people to knock on your door wanting to do business with you? Um – doesn’t often happen does it?   Actually that’s not quite true. There is a way to get people knocking at your door, but it doesn’t just happen by itself. You need to influence this. And how […]

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Athlete’s Foot Races To Profit Despite Crisis

The Australian: The owner of the Athlete’s Foot chain of sports shoe stores, RCG Corporation, expects further growth after increasing annual profit and acquiring two new footwear brands. The company reported a 7.4 per cent lift in net profit to $5.3million in the year ended June 28, compared with the previous year. Revenue fell 7.1 […]

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