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Customers Favor Greener McDonald’s, Chipotle and Starbucks

A Forbes article reported that restaurant chains McDonald’s, Chipotle and Starbucks are starting to source for natural ingredients and promote recycling.  These green and environment-friendly measures cost these chains but will likely benefit them through tax breaks and better sales from increased customer loyalty in the long run.  Chipotle has prided itself with using antibiotic- and hormone-free, and […]

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Growing Restaurant Chains Retain Local Culture

Not everyone is a fan of franchises.  There are some small town locals who fear that their favorite eateries might open new restaurants in other locales and forget about what made them popular in the first place.  Local eateries, no doubt, dream of adding to their restaurant, first in the neighboring towns then later through […]

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It’s Time to Play – Heading Toward Gamification Nation

Gamification, the use of game design techniques to solve problems, motivate and engage people, is poised to become a leading digital marketing trend, according to brand consultancy Millward Brown. Although at present, gamification is largely driven by novelty and hype, Gartner forecasts that by 2014, 70+% of major companies will have at least one “gamified” […]

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Going Viral

Not that long ago I was sitting in a meeting with a client (a local college) and he told me he had some great news. “We just started a new class at the college and we videotaped the first class. The professor is fascinating, the subject is fascinating. We want you to take this video, […]

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What Should Hiring a PR Firm Cost?

After you’ve made the decision to retain the services of a PR firm, the hard part starts. How do you find the right firm? How do you know they will provide what you want and need? And perhaps most important, can your budget handle their cost requirements? It is first important to understand the billing […]

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The Real Crisis With Crisis PR

One of the fastest growing areas of the public relations business is crisis management, or crisis communications, or crisis PR, or issues management, depending on what you want to call it. Simply put, crisis PR is the art, and I do mean art, of helping a corporations, organization or individual manage their image when a […]

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Crisis Communications in a Transparent World

The public relations business can be categorized in two parts. Pre-internet and post-internet. While some may argue that there really is no difference between how PR was handled pre-internet and how it it handled now, it cannot be argued that journalism is the same. And, with journalism being at the crux of corporate and crisis […]

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PR Starts with a PR Plan

When embarking on a PR / marketing campaign, it is critical that you first start with a plan. Achieving goals and objectives is what PR is all about, and you need to clarify what your goals and objectives are so you have a way of measuring that the plan is working or what needs to […]

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Non Profit PR – Marketing With a Mission

If you’re the executive director of a non-profit organization, you come to work each day with two things on your mind. First, how can your agency best fulfill its mission, and second, how will you get the funding you need to fulfill your mission. The two are intertwined, a Catch-22 if you will. While most […]

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Public Relations Is Not Just For PR Pros

If a company hires a public relations firm and then sits back and expects the PR firm to work magic, the company will be terribly disappointed. Effective public relations is not a job — it is a process. It is not just writing news releases and doing special events. And, it is not the sole […]

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How to Publicize a Start-Up Business

Many people who start a new business sometimes have an inferiority complex. After all, if you are the new kid on the block with the new business, why should anybody trust that your product is any good, you know what you are doing, or that you will be around to stand behind your product? This […]

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Finding the Right PR / Marketing Firm

Engaging the right public relations, marketing and / or advertising agency is not always as simple a task as it appears. When companies venture out to find marketing representation, they often do what most people do when searching for a new business relationship — ask someone who has worked with a PR consultant for a recommendation. […]

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Business to Business PR

Every business owner knows that public relations is a subset of marketing and marketing is a subset of sales. The “bottom line”, to use an overused term, is what it’s all about. Whether a company is selling a product or service, making the sale is the goal. So it’s often fascinating when a company says, […]

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Beware of Hidden Costs of Hiring a PR Firm

Perhaps the most often asked question companies ask when hiring a public relations firm is, “what does it cost?” Interestingly, this is also a question many PR firms have difficulty answering. There are three basic ways that firms charge. First, and perhaps the most common, is the monthly fee. A PR firm will give thought […]

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Marketing in Tough Economic Times

When the economy slows, and companies are faced with belt-tightening, often the first function to be cut back is marketing, advertising and public relations. The reason is simple. A company believes it can get along without running ads and having a strong public relations program in place. On the other hand, they need employees, legal […]

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How to Hire a PR Firm

So you’ve made the decision to retain a public relations company to create and implement a PR campaign on your behalf. But how do you know which firm is right for your company, organization or nonprofit? How do you go about deciding which of the thousands of PR/marketing firms out there will help you achieve […]

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Pizza Hut and Wendy’s Top Google’s Most Searched Lists In 2011

Fast reports the 2011 year-end Zeitgeist List of Google on the top food-and-drink-related searches from the billions of queries typed in Google search. Google analyzed these searches using data from multiple resources and formula to come up with its lists.  These were ranked in order of queries with the largest volume on top, except […]

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Arby’s Pledges $3M to “No Kid Hungry” This Year

The non-profit Arby’s Foundation is the first national fast food restaurant that teamed up with the “No Kid Hungry” campaign of Share Our Strength.  Arby’s restaurant launched its “Share Your Good Mood” campaign to raise funds which coincided with the launching of its healthier kid’s meals – Jr. Turkey and Cheese Sandwich and Kraft Macaroni […]

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Free Stuff Doesn’t Come Cheap

“Hunted by the authorities; we work in secret. You will never find us, but victim or perpetrator; if your numbers up… we’ll find you.” – Harold Finch, Person of Interest, CBS, 2011 There are millions of people around the globe who are deathly afraid that “Big Brother” — super-government capable of tracking our every move […]

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Could ISO 9001 Be Beneficial For Your Business?

ISO 9001 is an internationally recognised standard for internal quality management that has been set by the International Organisation for Standards. In other words, it is a certification that can be achieved by businesses once they have a certain level of internal quality management system in place. Internal quality management covers everything from taking orders […]

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