GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Audax Health CEO Shares His Story

Grant Verstandig was a sophomore at Brown University when he decided to quit school over his knee injury.  Grant was a lacrosse player and he was devastated when told he could no longer play his favorite sport.  He searched health websites about his condition but he was disappointed with the experience.  He wanted a safe place […]

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When to Quit your Job to Become an Entrepreneur

Karen Klein at compiled answers on a question from a reader who wants to know when the right time is to quit one’s job.  The reader wants to open his or her own business.  Various experts on entrepreneurship have different ideas.  A business coach from New York advises to “wait until their new venture […]

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Basic Sales Principles for Entrepreneurs / Business Owners

Garry Duncan, in an article that appeared at, enumerated a few key principles for sales people.  Among the roles of a business owner is being the company’s top sales person – the rainmaker.  It is not enough that you, as an entrepreneur, know everything about your products or services.  You should be able to […]

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More Clouds, More Confusion, More Concerns, More Fun

“O.K. There’s a ball of fire, it’s 1200 miles in diameter headin’ straight for Earth, and we have no idea how to stop it. THAT’s the problem.” – President Lindberg, “The Fifth Element,” Gaumont Studios (1997) Cloud. Cloud. Cloud. Cloud. There, aren’t you excited? Just saying the word is enough to make the hair stand […]

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Key Pointers to Starting a New Business

Maria Contreras-Sweet, a former corporate executive and one-time government official, started Promerica Bank, the first Hispanic-owned bank, in Los Angeles in 35 years.  In an IBM webcast during Global Entrepreneurship Week in November, she gave the audience pointers on how to start a successful business.  She advised future entrepreneurs to do research first before quitting […]

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Tax Relief Benefits for Underused Space

Are you considering buying a business property with unused space above and are unsure about what you should or do you already own commercial property with space above and are thinking about getting the best use out of the space? You may be considering converting the underused space into flats for short term letting (FOTS) […]

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The Difference between Loss Adjusters and Loss Assessors

Loss Adjuster – Loss Assessor. Very similar names, very different responsibilities. And if you are in business it pays to understand the difference, as this could mean thousands of extra pounds in your pocket. Here’s a quick overview of how the two differ. Everyone agrees that, in business, having the right insurance coverage is essential. […]

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Empowering Your Staff as an Entrepreneur: 3 Steps to Success

While the current economic climate hardly lends itself to commercial growth and prosperity, the practice of entrepreneurship continues to remain a viable option for many. As concepts such as outsourcing, social media marketing and networking have driven down the cost of business start ups throughout the world, it has become far easier for entrepreneurs to […]

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Bigger, Better Pixels Make Video a Whole New Game

“He called you a Wildcat before. I didn’t even pick up on it. He’s got a camera right in your face. He can see the whole bus. He’s been playing me from minute one.” – Jack, Speed, 20th Century Fox (1994) One of the reasons we don’t play videogames is that our attention tends to […]

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Social Media Sometimes Goes Beyond Being Social

“When you’re burned, you’ve got nothing: no cash, no credit, no job history. You’re stuck in whatever city they decide to dump you in.” – Michael Westen, “Burn Notice,” Fox You’ve seen kids in the playground right? They play, fight, participate, sulk, skulk, share, unshare, befriend and bully. You know, sorta’ like today’s social media. […]

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Presenting Your Plan: What to Know Before Meeting with Potential Lenders and Investors

You know you need to raise funds to bring your dream of owning your own business to life. You’ve done the research and have put together a formal business plan. Congratulations! You’re ready to meet with potential investors. So, before you ask someone for a huge chunk of money to back your business idea, ask […]

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How Long Does It Take To Sell Your Business?

Gary T. Brooks of and John Warrillow of estimate the length of time to sell a business at six months to a year on the average.  Selling a business starts when you create a saleable business with predictable revenue. Planning your exit starts years before you actually decide to  put your company on […]

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Attention Entrepreneurs – Do You Have What it Takes to be a Winner?

Not everyone can be a successful entrepreneur.  Mark Zwilling, in his post at, says individuals with “unwavering passion and sense of urgency” are likelier to succeed.  Angel investors seek this quality in entrepreneurs.  Briefly, he or she should be articulate and honest, must have confidence and experience, must have studied the business venture’s ins […]

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The Difference Between CD Replication and Duplication

Lots of people wonder about the difference between CD replication and duplication are often confused when it comes to selecting the right approach of copying CD’s for their particular task. Knowing the difference between CD replication and duplication should be useful in determining which approach works best for your project. When it comes to results, […]

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3 Reasons to Buy a LED Sign for your Business

LED signs are popping up everywhere—they shout from the streets, in front of restaurants, big and small businesses. Some wonder what the hype is all about and whether the bright, bold signs are worth the investment. But more and more business owners are seeing that they are for these three reasons: 1. Increases revenue The […]

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How to be Productive on a Startup Schedule

Jennifer Vargas of manages to have fun while being productive.  She shares her tips on how to focus on priorities and still attend to what matters in her life.  First in her tips is to assign a weight to one’s priorities – work, family, friends, health, etc.  Knowing what matters minimizes indecision.  Which of […]

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Starbucks Adds More Stores in China and Asian-Pacific Area

John Culver, head of China and Asia Pacific business at Starbucks, told The Wall Street Journal that Starbucks Corporation would increase its presence in China from the current 500 stores to over 1,500 until 2015.  He reports that the coffee chain’s revenue for China and the Asian-Pacific region increased 38% while its operating income grew […]

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C-Corp, S-Corp, or LLC?

How Do I Decide Which Entity To Go With? This is probably one of the most frequently asked business legal questions of all time: which entity should I organize by business under and why? Well, it depends (typical attorney answer). Business owners organize (formation of entity) for tax and liability purposes. For the typical small […]

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Need a Part Time Job?

In this harsh economic time, many people do all they can so as to be able to make ends meet. Most people normally prefer to find a part time job so as to get an extra source of income. However, part time jobs may not be easy to come by if you do not have […]

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Accountable? Yes, But to Whom?

Healthcare, or rather its costs, is an ongoing and hotly debated topic likely to dominate much of this season’s Presidential debates.  And, it is an important concern as Medicare’s bank account becomes increasingly strained under rising healthcare costs coupled with an aging population. Washington’s latest answer to solve this burgeoning spending crisis:   Accountable Care Organizations […]

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