GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Applebee’s Overhauls Menu and Image

USA Today featured an interview with Mike Archer, president of Applebee’s. Archer took over the helm of Applebee’s four years ago. The Applebee’s casual dining chain is over thirty years old and Archer is instituting changes to keep up with consumers and the times. Among the changes are the menu, the restaurants’ looks and marketing. […]

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With Practice, You’ll Get Better With Twitter … Or Not

“Has anybody here read a real book about vampires, or are we just remembering what a movie said? I mean a real book.” – Jacob, “From Dusk Till Dawn,” Dimension Films (1996) We admit that Twitter has done a lot of good in recent years. It has help topple tyrannical governments. It has made people […]

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Using Social Networking Sites in the Hiring Process

Social media websites can offer substantial opportunities for employers who are searching for information about prospective employees. However, these social networking sites also create serious challenges if employers want to use them for employee screening purposes and background checks. For some businesses, searching for the names of potential employees on popular social networking sites such […]

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7 Tips to Buying a Business or Franchise for Sale

Will you achieve your dreams or plans for the future by buying a business or franchise?  Will this fit the lifestyle that you want?  Buying an existing business or franchise is advantageous because both have an established customer base and ongoing operations or an operations template.  Financing from traditional sources is also easier.  Below are […]

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Is Obamacare Bad for Small Businesses?

Matthew Yglesias in his article believes that small businesses should embrace the Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare. He does not share the thinking of the National Federation of Independent Businesses that this health insurance law is a disaster for small businesses.  He says that NFIB’s main priority is low taxes and laments […]

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Where to Get Business Grants

If you need funds to start or develop a small business, do not look far.  This Bangor Daily News (Maine) article present some tips on where to look for business grants.  You have to be patient and persistent.  Look for these in industry publications and the local paper.  There are development agencies that offer grants […]

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Partners Should Put Their Business Agreement in Writing

Ann Logue in an article advises partners in a start-up business to put the terms and conditions of their business relationship in writing.  This should be done before your open the doors for your business.  The agreement should cover each party’s roles, responsibilities and obligations.  Changes in the business and in its ownership should […]

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2012 IFA Expo Signals Exciting Future for Franchises

The 2012 International Franchise Expo attracted the most attendance since 2006.  There were 334 exhibitors on hand to talk to prospective franchisees.  All interests and specialties were represented in this exposition.  Successful franchises, new and unique franchise opportunities were evident that the franchising business is growing.   Steve Caldeira, president and CEO of the IFA, said, […]

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Today’s Boomers – Contributing, Savvy, Buying

“I was there, I can prove it! When I was a kid, you could buy meat anywhere! Eggs they had, real butter! Not this… crap!” – Sol, “Soylent Green,” MGM, 1973 A few months ago, we read a mouse type news item – with our glasses on – that noted we had just passed the […]

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Why Small Business Lending Is a Mess

After Ami Kassar was fired from his bankrupt company, Advanta, he founded MultiFunding.  MultiFunding helps small businesses get the best loans with the most favorable terms for their situations.  In his first post that appeared in The New York Times, he calls our attention to one of the factors why small business lending is a […]

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Benihana Going Private in Buyout Deal

Publicly traded Benihana, known for teppanyaki cooking by chefs that dazzle diners with their knife-handling skills, is being acquired by Angelo, Gordon, and Co.’s.  The deal between this restaurant chain and the private equity group is still subject to regulations and approval of its shareholders.  Benihana has until July to consider other offers.  Analysts told […]

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It Doesn’t Matter Where, How They Watch … Video is Video

“Um, he’s sick. My best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it’s pretty serious.” – Simone, “Ferris Beuller’s Day Off,”Paramount (1986) Bet you’ve said (or heard it said), “Kids today have […]

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Reality Strikes: The Staging Behind Bravo’s Million Dollar Listing

With a television audience topping one million, Bravo TV’s real-estate reality show “Million Dollar Listing” is showing the world what it takes to sell high-end homes in New York. Every Tuesday, viewers watch as three young brokers- Fredrik Eklund, Michael Lorber, and Ryan Serhant- sell multi-million dollar apartments and properties in some of America’s wealthiest […]

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Five Business Trends For The Second Half Of 2012

Things are looking up for businesses these days. While the current forecast still has a long way toward improving to match the “glory days” of year’s past, America is showing signs toward further removing itself from the dark days of the recent recession that have impacted so many of our country’s businesses. And yes, the […]

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The Best Marketing is Collective Leadership

“Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the A-Team.” – Narrator, “The A-Team,” Universal TV (1983) We sat through a recent DEMO Conference that bills itself as focusing on […]

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Business Buyers – Why You Should Get a Business Valuation

 You want to start a business by buying an existing company.  After considering the pros and cons of the various businesses for sale on the market, you have narrowed down your choice to one business.  It is time to make an offer.  How much is the business for sale worth, and how do you do […]

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Franchising Seen to Grow this Year

Things are looking up for the franchising business. The International Franchise Association has projected a growth of 1.7% in the number of franchise establishments this 2012. This will be the first increase since the economic recession in 2008. Scott Nishimura in his article featured three couples who found their respective niches in buying franchises. […]

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Exit Planning for Privately Owned Businesses … The Beat Goes On (and On and On)

We admit we’ve been writing about exit and estate planning issues a lot recently.  But we’re passionate about it and one of our goals is to keep this topic in front of you.  Here’s why:  Based on a recent IRS study of estate tax returns that were filed (meaning that at the time of death […]

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SEO or PPC – Which is Best for Your Business?

It’s no secret that online marketing can be one of the most effect marketing tactics for small and start-up businesses. It has the ability to help you produce extremely low cost conversions while increasing your visibility and brand recognition. But when it comes to online marketing, how do you decide whether to use SEO, PPC, […]

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Social Media is About More than Scrounging for Ad, Publicity ROI

“A good advertisement is one that sells the product without drawing attention to itself.” – David Ogilvy. Image Source – “Mad Men,” AMC Network Pulling $10M of ads out of Facebook was only chump change for GM (0.5% of their ad budget), but it was enough to scare Zuck into selling $100M+ of stock just […]

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