GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Free Stuff – Someone Pays Even for the Free Lunch

“I’m coming for blood, no code of conduct, no law.” – Logan/Wolverine (Hugh Jackman), X-Men Origins: Wolverine (20th Century Fox – 2009) Hugh Jackman, producer and star of X-Men, was “disappointed” when the rough cut of the movie was stolen and prematurely set free on the Internet. Wolverine on the other hand was totally P***ed! […]

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Business Buyers Be Aware and Beware

I routinely read articles offering advice to potential business buyers on things to consider when embarking on the process of purchasing a business – as kind of a do-it-yourself guideline.  But I’m amazed at the lack of advice given to these buyers to use experienced professionals where applicable in the process instead of ‘going it […]

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Most Important to Selling Your Business is Cash Flow

As small business owners we spend most of our time competing to build the better mousetrap or provide the better service.  We become so focused on our customers and our competition that we lose sight of the most important thing to us as the owner, creating value so that we can one day sell the […]

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Five Secrets To Franchise Success

Introduction Deciding to own your own business can be the best professional move you will ever make.  Doing so can provide you with great personal satisfaction and a path to significant financial success.  Many people elect to buy a franchise rather than start a business from scratch or purchase an ongoing concern.  A franchise operation […]

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Finding Businesses For Sale With Seller Financing

Financing a Business Purchase Few people who wish to buy a business have the kind of cash it takes to pay 100 percent of the purchase price up front.  Some sort of financing is almost always necessary.  The traditional path to financing the purchase of a business involves sitting down with a banker, filling out […]

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Selling Your Business: Asset Sale or Stock Sale?

Time to Get Out At some point in an owner’s business career, the time is right to sell the company and move on.  Perhaps you’re ready to retire, or take on new challenges, or simply need the cash for some other reason.  Naturally you will want to engage the services of a qualified attorney – […]

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How to Quit Your Job – Without Burning Bridges

Part-Time Becomes Full-Time These days, many of us choose to work more than one job.  Oftentimes this involves a full-time job plus something part-time.  The 40-hour position pays most of the bills, provides needed benefits, and offers a stable work environment.  The auxiliary job might simply be a way to put more money into your […]

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How Do I Get a SBA Loan?

What is the SBA? The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is a federal agency, created in 1953, responsible for assisting and protecting the interests of American small business.  The agency operates through a series of field offices around the country – as well as in partnership with public and private organizations – to offer such […]

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How Much Does a Burger King Franchise Cost?

Hardly the “Other” Hamburger Joint The history of Burger King goes back to 1954, when two Miami men opened their first location and sold broiled (not fried!) burgers for 18 cents apiece.  Milkshakes were the same price.  Apparently buying into the American mantra that “bigger is better,” in 1957 they introduced the country to the […]

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How Much Does a Dunkin’ Donuts Franchise Cost?

Donuts ‘n’ Coffee – A Winning Combo In the northeastern United States, the vision of a Dunkin’ Donuts shop is almost as common a sight as storm clouds off the Atlantic – or someone wearing a Red Sox cap.  Way back in 1946, Bill Rosenberg started delivering breakfast foods and snacks to businesses in and […]

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How Much Does a Curves Franchise Cost?

Women Love Curves The financial state of fitness centers has risen and fallen over the past number of years.  The founders of Curves, Diane and Gary Heavin, initially took advantage of that boom-and-bust cycle by assuming control of a failed Houston health club in the 1980s.  Over the next five years they expanded to six […]

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Tips on Buying a Farm Business for Sale

Buying a farm business for sale is an investment opportunity that you do not want to miss.  Buying a farm business for sale will give you the chance to invest in a sound business that you can do the management of to keep the business making a profit. Operation of a Farm Business In the […]

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How To Buy An Architecture Business

Believe it or not, if you are looking for a unique business to invest in then you should begin to look into a business that is a little different and not as abundant in terms of their market saturation but is, however, in high demand. You may want to look to buy an architecture business. […]

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How to Buy a Chiropractic Practice for Sale

Chiropractors work on people’s backs and other areas of the body to make them feel better.  They are specialists that other doctors refer their patients to for additional help and healing. You will need to consider the following aspects when finding a chiropractic business for sale. Size of the Business Is the chiropractic office for […]

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Ingvar Kamprad: IKEA Founder And Billionaire

Ingvar Kamprad is a little known name amongst the general public today, largely because he keeps himself to himself and is a very private individual. However, his achievements are simply amazing given his background. In fact, he is the owner of the single biggest furniture chain in the world at the moment and has made […]

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Andrew Carnegie: Carnegie Steel Founder’s Biography & Acheivements

In this day and age, there are a handful of businessmen and entrepreneurs that are well known as a result of their involvement with a high profile company. However, the majority of them do not hold a candle to the early American businessmen that created a model for them to follow. The 19th Century businessmen […]

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Ralph Lauren: The Biography Of The Important Fashion Designer, Icon And Entrepreneur

When it comes to the world of fashion, there are very few designers and icons that are as or more prolific than Ralph Lauren. The entrepreneur has been at the very heart of the fashion industry for some years now and his creations are just as in demand as they ever were. As such, he […]

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Akio Morita: Sony Founder, Chairman & Entrepreneur

Very few people outside of the business world have heard of an incredibly savvy entrepreneur called Akio Morita. Although he died on October 3, 1999, he shaped the way that the electronics industry was to operate in the years to come and he has left a legacy that will be difficult to emulate. The entrepreneur […]

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Hugh Hefner: The Playboy Entrepreneur And Lifestyle

Hugh Hefner is a name that the majority of adults have heard of and can easily put a face to the name. This is largely because Hugh Hefner is undoubtedly the king of porn and has been for quite some years. Although his route to becoming an entrepreneur was anything but conventional, the empire he […]

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What Can The Apprentice Teach Us?

So, were you, like me gripped to the Apprentice final on Sunday night? I don’t know about you, but I was routing for Kate who I thought developed the best product and executed better than Yasmina. Why then, did Yasmina emerge as the ultimate winner?  Well, having given this some thought, I think Yasmina displayed […]

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