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Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Can Accountants Value a Business For Sale?

Short Answer… Yes. The Concept of Business Valuation Whether you own a business and want to sell it, or else you’re an entrepreneur who desires to buy an existing small business, somehow or other you need to know what the company is worth.  On the selling side, the plan is to make the price low […]

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How To Use 401(k) For Business Financing – 401k To Buy a Business

Creative Business Financing There are a number of interesting ways to finance a business purchase.  The most traditional method involves securing a loan from a bank or a credit union.  You could also pool funds from friends and relatives or ask the seller to carry a note for a portion of the purchase price, or […]

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How Do I Start a Franchise?

Creating the Franchise Concept The wily entrepreneur will always express a desire to start a business and make lots of money.  While there are no guarantees, it is difficult to succeed if you don’t even try.  One of the ways to leave a lasting impression on the world of business is to start a company, […]

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What Are Different Types of Franchise Ownership?

Choices – Lots of Choices The decision to buy a franchise as your entry into the world of business ownership should not be taken lightly.  Franchising is one of the most popular ways for people to run their own business, but even that field can be divided into subsidiary choices.  Once you have determined that […]

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Franchise Investment vs. Return – How Do You Find Franchises With Great Return On Investment (ROI)?

What is ROI? There are a number of technical definitions to describe the business term ROI, or “return on investment”.  For example, says, “A measure of a corporation’s profitability, equal to a fiscal year’s income divided by common stock and preferred stock equity, plus long-term debt.  But what does that mean to a prospective […]

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The Role of a Franchisee – Franchisee Responsibilities

Franchising: A Two-Way Street After choosing to purchase a franchise, you rightfully expect the parent company to come through with a great deal of support.  After all, you are forking over tens of thousands of hard-earned dollars in the form of a franchise fee, not to mention additional sums of cash for equipment, supplies, inventory, […]

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Should You Buy a Franchise After You Retire?

Retirement Is Not a Dead End Americans today are living longer than ever and enjoying an active lifestyle at a more advanced age than their parents ever did.  A famous saying from a decade or two ago was, “Forty is the new thirty.”  When it comes to business owners, though, you might say, “Seventy is […]

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How to Value a Business

Why Business Valuation Is Important The process of arriving at an accurate assessment when valuing a business is perhaps the most challenging aspect of any prospective small business purchase.  A seller has arrived at a specific price he or she wants for the company, and one must determine if that business value is accurate.  Pay […]

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First-Time Business Buyers: What You Need To Know

Taking the Entrepreneurial Leap Making the transition from worker bee to small business owner involves a great deal of time, effort, money, and personal commitment.  It is not a decision to be made hastily nor taken lightly.  There are certain questions you need to ask and certain elements to consider, with every step along the […]

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E-2 Visas: What is a E-2 Visa?

Investing in the United States from Overseas Depending upon the state of the U.S. dollar and its relative value against various foreign currencies, overseas investors may find that putting their money into U.S. investments will grant them a very favorable rate of return.  For foreign nationals who wish to take this path, the U.S. government […]

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Franchise Attorneys: Should You Hire a Franchise Attorney?

Protection for Franchise Buyers Once you have decided that buying a franchise is the right business move, and after you have done proper due diligence to choose a field or industry to enter, it comes time to wade through the vast amounts of paperwork supplied by the prospective franchisors.  Few people are able to do […]

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Franchise Scams – Franchisees Beware!

Let the Buyer Beware The old adage, “A fool and his money are soon parted,” is never more appropriate than for people who are looking to buy a franchise.  There are literally thousands of business opportunities out there for an entrepreneur who wants to own a business.  But as with any situation that involves spending […]

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How Bad Times Are Great Times for Small Business Owners

Shaky Financial Times Some news pundits have described our current dire economic circumstances – not literally, perhaps, but in similar tone – as if the Great Depression of the 1930s was paired with Europe’s suffering at the hands of the bubonic plague, plus an invasion of the Mongol Horde thrown in for good measure.  While […]

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How to Buy Medical and Dental Labs

No matter what field of medicine you work, the majority of offices and practices need some sort of lab work done for patients.  Many places have on-site medical and dental labs while other practices send their lab work out to specific medical and dental labs.  Prior to buying a medical or dental lab it is […]

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Business Insurance – The Importance of Business Liability Insurance

Personal Liability We all have responsibilities when it comes to living in a society.  If you own a home, you must maintain it properly to avoid affecting the value of other properties in your neighborhood.  If you drive a car, you must operate it in a reasonable manner to make sure you are putting no […]

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The Franchise Agreement: What is a Franchise Agreement?

Buying a Franchise By choosing to buy a franchise, you become the owner of a small piece of a very large corporation, whose buying power and well-recognized brand name can contribute significantly to your financial success as a small-business operator.  One of the key elements to the relationship between franchisor (the parent company) and franchisee […]

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Our Next Great Tech CEO – Hero or Cheerleader?

“Have no fear! Doc Savage is here!” – Monk, Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze (1975) Admit it. You missed Steve opening WWDC (Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference). You missed him walking out at the end of Phil Schiller’s keynote where Steve walks from behind the curtain and says , “One more thing!” No Show – […]

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How to Get Your Inventions Patented and Sold

The Crux of an Idea There is an old saying that goes, “The world will beat a pathway to your door to buy a better mousetrap.”  The opportunity to cash in on an invention is one of the top dreams an entrepreneur can have.  All it takes is thinking up something useful that no one […]

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The History of Franchising

In the Beginning… The franchise business we know today is a far cry from its historical beginnings.  Taken from the French, the term refers to the ability to hold a particular right or privilege.  During the Middle Ages, with the feudal system at its height, most of the population consisted of lords and vassals.  The […]

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What is the International Franchise Association (IFA)?

The 411 on Trade Associations Trade associations are generally formed by businesses that operate within a single industry, or one aspect of an industry. By some estimates there are more than 7,500 national trade associations in the United States, encompassing every imaginable industry – from booksellers to chiropractors, and from travel agents to casino owners. […]

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