GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Top 10 Marketing Success Secrets for Businesses

If you want to market successfully, you need to communicate successfully.  The biggest communication mistake businesspeople make is telling their prospects any and everything about their business or company. The same holds true when communicating with the media. When you’re being interviewed, producers and writers don’t have time for your life history, they want a […]

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Start or Buy a Green Business – Measure Twice-Cut Once

I believe there exist a disconnect between all the news media exposure regarding the “green movement”, “green jobs”  and the actual mindset of most small business owners and entrepreneurs.   It is no doubt that “green” has become one of the more reported on phenomenon over the last couple of years.  The  US election had strong ties […]

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Conventional Wisdom and the Benefits of Online Education

For those of us who have been involved in online education for a time, the growing public acceptance of the Web as vital tool for training and learning has been a welcome development. It’s become conventional wisdom that online learning offers an affordable and effective alternative to traditional classroom education. That wasn’t always a widespread […]

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What are the New Ways to Promote Your Business?

Over the last year or so, lots and lots of new ways to promote your business have appeared. Some of these were there before, but they’ve now become mainstream and have opened the doors for smaller businesses to compete with larger businesses for the first time. And they all have to do with advances in […]

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How to Achieve Your Sales Targets in 2010

I’m sure by now that you have established your sales targets for next year. If you haven’t I suggest that you get cracking and do it now. Time is slipping past! If you have set your targets, congratulations! Here are 10 things you can do to achieve those goals. 1.     Invest time prospecting for NEW […]

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SBA Loan Limits On Business Buyouts – Good For Small Business?

In March this year, the Small Business Administration (SBA) placed a limit on the guarantees it was extending on “goodwill” financing, capping them at $250,000, or 50% of the total SBA loan amount, whichever figure was lower. “Goodwill” financing is a part of a SBA business loan that is used to acquire the intangible assets […]

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Job Searching? How To Find Your Dream Job

A job is not just a collection of tasks that you have to complete in order to receive a salary. Self-actualization is also very important. The same applies to the job search as well – you are probably not only looking for any job that pays, you also want to find a job that suits […]

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Corporate Caterers Franchise Information: Corporate Catering Franchises

Corporate Caterers is offering a fantastic franchise opportunity for motivated, focused individuals to join the company. You can become part of the franchise and capitalize on their amazing growth and profitability. As a franchisee, you would receive full training and support as well as third party financing, if you need it. You can read about […]

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Wheel Fun Rentals Franchise Business Opportunity

Wheel Fun Rentals is a company on the brink of massive expansion and has recently requested applications from parties interested in joining the franchise. Offering franchisees third party financing assistance, training, and support, Wheel Fun Rentals is one of the best franchises to get involved with today. The few points outlined below will highlight the […]

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Dogtopia Dog Spa Franchise Business Opportunity

Dogtopia Dog Spa is a company that is growing at an unbelievable rate, as well as one that has found itself ill equipped to cope with that demand. As such, they are looking for franchisees to help them expand throughout the United States. Part of this package includes third party financial assistance plus training and […]

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WSI Internet Franchise Review – WSI Internet Franchises For Sale

WSI Internet has recently opened up brand new franchise opportunities for individuals seeking to run their own business under an innovative and highly popular brand. You will benefit from full training and support, as well as ongoing benefits and advantages that are just as unique and innovative as the company itself! Please take a look […]

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Allstate Insurance Company: Northeast – Allstate Insurance Franchise Review

Allstate Insurance Company is offering an amazing business opportunity for the individual looking to invest in an established business and brand name that could indeed kick start a career as an independent boss. As an Allstate Exclusive Agent, you will have access to ongoing training and support as well as being able to run your […]

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Allstate Insurance Company: Mid-Atlantic – Allstate Insurance Franchise Review

Allstate Insurance Company is one of the most established names in the financial industry and currently has business opportunities for interested parties who would like to join the company. There are openings for Allstate Exclusive Agents in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and Washington DC in the Mid-Atlantic region. All Allstate Exclusive Agents are offered […]

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Dollar Stores By Allied Systems – Dollar Stores For Sale

Dollar Stores By Allied Systems have experienced massive demand in recent years and the company is planning to expand, meaning that you have a prime opportunity to work with the brand. Opportunities are limited so you need to take advantage of this huge opportunity today. There is third party financing assistance if required, and ongoing […]

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Does Your Pricing Strategy Prevent Customers From Committing?

Just between you and me, how do you feel about pricing your work? If you’re like many accidental entrepreneurs, pricing is not your favorite topic. Charge too much, and you lose clients. Charge too little, and you can’t earn a living. It doesn’t have to be this way. Charging enough to make a good living […]

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Why Nice People Should Use Fear To Market Their Work

There’s no mystery about why marketers appeal to fear. Fear mongering works. Before Madison Avenue taught us to fear it, body odor was just a fact of life. Same with gray hair, weeds in the lawn, and dingy whites. Advertising has transformed what were at most minor disappointments or inconveniences into occasions of fear and […]

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Stop Trying So Hard And Prosper More

The wealthy man is not he who has money, but he who has the means to live in the luxurious state of early spring. ~Anton Chekhov Have you ever had a friend who always seemed to date the wrong people? Often this is the result of a confusion of values and standards. If your friend […]

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Will It Blend? – Traditional And Social Media

Challenging communications environment? Should one focus on social media first, or exclusively, stick with traditional media and its recognized “credibility” factor, or strive to balance the two?  In almost all cases, I would recommend a blend. According to new research by Ad-ology Research, small business owners say the benefits of social networking are lead generation, […]

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Enjoy The Pleasure And Challenges Of Working From Home

Many people are drawn to work from home businesses for their flexibility and unlimited income opportunities. Working from home could be something you could do! Everyone dreams of working from home and being their own boss. Truly they do. If you asked almost any employee that has worked for many years what their dream job […]

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Live At 5 – Handling The TV Interview

Whether you go to their studio or the camera crew simply arrives at your front door there is nothing that fully prepares an executive for the TV interview. You’re so busy today running the company, planning new products/services and struggling to win sales; it is difficult to perform with grace and poise when a television […]

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